Camille Engel
"Who's A Good Girl" Exhibits at the Wildlife Experience Museum & Featured in Southwest Art Magazine
Auguest 23, The Wildlife Experience Museum in Parker, CO unveils the Society of Animal Artists' 54th Annual Exhibition, featuring wildlife and animal artworks by memeber artists in diverse media and artistic styles. Camille is absolutely thrilled and honored to be accepted into such a prestigious exhibition. The exhibit remains on display through October 22, then a portion of the works (yet to be chosen by the jurors) travels to museums through the U.S.A.

Equally as thrilling is the coverage given in the September issue of Southwest Art magazine which shows Camille's painting, "Who's A Good Girl" as one of only two paintings in the exhibition article... and to the right beside it on the next page, Camille's "Little Chickadee"
Here's an excerpt from the article: "Acutely aware of the color and beauty around her, Tennessee resident Camille Engel captures songbirds and other animals - both domestic and wild - in intricate detail and emotive texture."
Be sure to pick up this beautiful magazine... and, if you find yourself in or near Denver, CO, please make a point to visit the exhibition. You'll be glad you did!